Why Choose AdopTexas

When faced with an unplanned pregnancy a woman is unprepared for, it can be a confusing, frightening and lonely time. A typical reaction of many young women is to want to hurry up and find an adoptive family. They feel the urgency to make all the arrangements as quickly as possible and the responsibility to take care of everything themselves. However, they don’t know where to start.

“I never thought I would have an unwanted or unplanned pregnancy and be faced with this decision. How do I give my baby up for adoption? I don’t know anything about it? What is the adoption process and how do I get started? ”

There are a many different options when choosing
how to make an adoption plan for your baby.

You will see large impersonal licensed and unlicensed placement agencies with hundreds of families listed on their website. To these agencies you more than likely will be just a name on a piece of paper, often times passed around from counselor to counselor.

There are facilitators and attorneys that want to get your baby adopted as fast as possible. They are not motivated by a concern for your long term emotional health, the amount of contact you want with the baby through the years, or really anything that is important to you. They are often out-of-state, and will probably never even meet you in person. Read about my personal experience when contracted with a large, out of state facilitator. 

Then there is AdopTexas.

The largest difference between what I do, and the huge licensed or impersonal facilitators is: my long term commitment and relationships with the birth moms I work with.

You are more than just a name on a piece of paper to me; you will be a part of my family.

You will not be passed around from counselor to counselor; I will counsel you personally.

I also handle all the complications, specifics, and paperwork of the entire process. Everything will be handled by me, so you don’t have to worry. I make the process seamless – rather than it being fractured/disconnected, and spread across 2 or more states with many different service providers (Like large agencies and facilitators).

My commitment to you (and moms like you) started in 1981 and continues today. I love and care about your future, happiness and success in life.

Unlimited Emotional Support

AdopTexas | How To Put My Baby Up For Adoption | Texas Adoption Agency

I am always available to support you (and every mother I have helped) before, during and after the placement process.

Large agencies try to offer unlimited emotional support, but frequently pass mothers like you around from person to person with no ongoing relationship.

Facilitators and attorneys are even worse.

In fact, this is the most concerning part of working with facilitators and attorneys.

Once the placement occurs and the contracted agency completes the required minimum amount of counseling (this may only be meeting with the birth mom one time prior to birth and one time after and completing a counseling form), there is NO ongoing unlimited support and counseling through the years.  The facilitators basically wash their hands as soon as the placement occurs and sometimes before.

Who do you call when you are sad, or need reassurance, or encouragement through the years on the baby’s birthday, holidays, mother’s day or any day  you need someone who cares to talk to you?

Who do you talk to if you wish you hadn’t felt the need to place your baby, or question your decision, or just simply miss the baby?

I will always be there for you.

These are all normal and real emotions and require an understanding and caring person who knows you and can be there for you during those times.

If you would like to get started, or just talk to me, please call me at 281-235-5103.


Pregnant Thinking About Adoption | Texas Adoption | Child-Placing Agency

Once you call me, I will:

  • Answer your questions about the adoption process
  • Learn what your current needs and concerns are
  • Discuss your preference for the adoptive family you are wanting
  • Find out the type of future relationship you would prefer with the adoptive family and child.

It would be unrealistic to say making an adoption plan for your baby will be easy. This will be the most difficult decision you will ever be faced with; though if handled correctly, it can the most fulfilling decision and one you are proud of.

Who do you call when you are having a tough day and asking yourself if what you are feeling is normal or need to talk about your emotions? Is this a conversation you can have with the adoptive family who has your baby, the attorney who handled your adoption or a counselor hired on a temporary basis? No.

Unplanned Pregnancy | AdopTexas | How To Put A Child Up For Adoption

It takes time and someone who understands what is normal emotionally to be supportive and guide a mom through the emotional time of unplanned pregnancy following her decision to allow another family to parent her child.
With over 40 years of experience working for a licensed adoption agency in Texas as an Adoption Counselor, I have a personal interest in the long term happiness and success of the birthmothers, their babies and all the families we work with. I have more experience than most, understanding what are normal emotions as they relate to adoption.

Testimonials and Reviews

  • Thank you so much for helping us through this process to make our family complete. I enclosed some photos I think you will like. Until we meet again: "May God bless you and keep you; may God shine His face upon you and be gracious to you; may God turn his face to you and give you peace."
    - Thank you so…
  • I am thankful our son went to a loving family who loves him as much as I do. I am also thankful for you guys coming into our lives when we felt we had nowhere to turn to. You guys came to our aid and for that we are truly grateful. We love you guys.
    - I am thankful our son…
  • Hi Charlotte, this is Ashlee….I’m not sure if you remember but my grandmother, mother and aunt were all giving me a really hard time about my decision to make an adoption plan for my baby girl…they have all come to peace with my decision. And I too still feel strongly that I did the right thing. As time goes on and I see that things are not getting better as quickly as I want them to, I’m glad that Samantha is with her new Mommy and Daddy and living a stress free peaceful life. I also want to thank you again for working with me and being there for me to talk to and helping me find a good home for Samantha. It was a major step in my life and I’m never going to forget you and the help you gave with an open and kind heart. Thank you, Charlotte. Ashlee
    - Charlotte Ashlee
  • Hi Charlotte, is God good or what?! Is this not a miracle? I am so blessed! The Lord has taken care of me every step of the way! I am so honored that He would just wink at me and favor me with His kindness. It never in a million years occurred to me that I would have been invited to my daughter’s wedding. In fact, I had never thought of it….I received my invitation this week. I guess that shows how serious I took to signing those papers in the hospital in 1983….. God knows that I will always be grateful for your involvement in my life. I felt it was only fitting to share this bit of news with you. After all, you picked these wonderful people! Thank you Charlotte, Much Love, Grace
    - Grace
  • Charlotte really made a difference in my life.
    - Charlotte really made a difference in my life.
Unplanned Pregnancy | AdopTexas | Unplanned Baby

A precious adoptive family we have been blessed to work with.

You, as a woman who may be considering placing your baby for adoption, don’t care how many adoptions AdopTexas has done, you only care about yours.

It is now and has always been our goal that every adoption is treated as if it is the only one we will ever do and is handled with personal attention and care.

Why? Because you and your baby deserve the best.

If you worrying about unplanned Pregnancy Contact Us

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A 35+ year tradition of providing 5-star adoption services for Texas Birth, unplanned Pregnancy, and Adoptive Families

5 Star Adoption Services | Texas Adoption Services | AdopTexas
Licensed Texas Adoption Agency | AdopTexas